The Analog World

K Rusties

K Rusties are objects based on Mister K typeface, here is the necklece with Berliner bear

K is living his life in the oeuvre of Franz Kafka – for every reader anew. And K has a second existence as the capricious typeface Mister K, inspired by Kafka’s manuscripts. But there is also a metal K: the K- Rusties – constructed from Kafka’s letterforms, cut out of steel and patiently rusted in Berlin.

a necklece with a rusty bike from the K Rusties collection
The Rusty Bike has become Nr 1 the K Rusty popularity scale.
Berlin motifs from the K Rusties collection
A special Berlin Collection was made in the K-Rusties style.
rusty “Berlin” written in Kafka’s letters
“Berlin” in Franz Kafka’s handwriting and the Valentine’s Heart thoroughly rusted and coated with fixative in order to keep white blouses clean …
Rusty ”Heart“ from the K Rusties collection
Gedächniskirche from K Rusties collection” exhibition
The Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, the Rusty Scissors, the Brandenburg Gate and the Berlin TV TowerK Rusties can be worn separately or as a series on a necklace.
Scissors from the K Rusties collection
Brandenburger Tor from the K Rusties collection
TV Tower in Berlin as a K Rusties
Berlin necklece
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